The Order of the Daughters of the King®
The Order of the Daughters of the King®* is a National and International Order that differs from other women’s organizations by the vows of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism we make to God, before our congregation, during a Service of Admission.
All prayer requests are confidential, shared only with each Daughter so that we may pray for the cares and concerns of others and ourselves. You will find us serving wherever God places us, but particularly for the needs of our Rector and Parish.
Living In The Presence
In 2012, the group began from one man’s yearning to know how to “be” in God’s presence. What did it feel like, how do you do it, etc.? A group of dedicated men and women gather weekly to share their adventures of life with God, family, prayer, and study materials that strengthen our connections to God and each other.
We welcome anyone to join us on our journey. Everything we share in this group is held in confidence. Perhaps God is calling you to explore more about your heart’s journey with Him in the community. Contact Mary and Glenn Orwick if you would like to get involved.
Living in the Presence, or LIP, meets every Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. in the Choir Room.