Bible Studies and Fellowship

Discipleship Opportunities...

church volunteer at Living in the presence

Living In The Presence

In 2012, the group began from one man’s yearning to know how to “be” in God’s presence. What did it feel like, how do you do it, etc.? A group of dedicated men and women gather weekly to share their adventures of life with God, family, prayer, and study materials that strengthen our connections to God and each other.

We welcome anyone to join us on our journey. Everything we share in this group is held in confidence. Perhaps God is calling you to explore more about your heart’s journey with Him in the community. Contact Mary and Glenn Orwick if you would like to get involved.

Living in the Presence, or LITP, meets every Tuesday afternoon from 1:30 p.m. until 3:00 p.m. in the Choir Room.

Adult Sunday School

Every Sunday at 9am, we gather between services in the Parish Hall for Bible study.  Topics range from Scriptural Overview to specific books of the Bible to theological questions.  We have looked at classic Christian texts like Pilgrim's Progress.  All are welcome to the Adult Sunday School class.  Nursery is provided as well as Children's Sunday School.  Drop off the kids, grab a cup of coffee and settle in!

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Wednesday Supper and Video

Most Wednesday evenings during the school year we meet to have a light supper and watch something educational and inspiring.  Starting in Fall of 2023 we have been going through the popular show, The Chosen.  Independently written and produced, The Chosen is an excellent depiction of what life might have been for Jesus and the disciples as they are chosen and called to follow Him.  We are also looking forward to diving in to the excellent Bible training curriculum from Third Millennium Ministries.

Fellowship Opportunities...

Church Feasts

At St. Gabriel's, we like a good party.  And in the church year, there are many reasons to party.   From official feast days to fun times like Octoberfest and St. Patrick's Day, throughout the year we plan for opportunities for the church and friends to come together to have fun and enjoy each other's company.

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church fellowship event - Girls Lunch Out

Girls Lunch Out

Girls Lunch Out, or GLO, met for several years prior to the pandemic at a local restaurant for an hour or so every Tuesday.  After the pandemic we began meeting in the Parish Hall.  Bring your own lunch and beverage and join us for joy and laughter on a weekly basis. We celebrate life!

Mary Orwick coordinates this ministry with Marie Hunsaker.

Meeting:  Every Tuesday at 12pm in St. Gabriel's Pobjecky Hall

The Order of the Daughters of the King®

The Order of the Daughters of the King®* is a National and International Order that differs from other women’s organizations by the vows of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism we make to God, before our congregation, during a Service of Admission.

All prayer requests are confidential, shared only with each Daughter so that we may pray for the cares and concerns of others and ourselves. You will find us serving wherever God places us, but particularly for the needs of our Rector and Parish.

church volunteer at The Order of the Daughters of the King Meeting

{much more to come as we are building our new website.... }