
What to Expect

Visiting any church for the very first time can be a challenging experience. We want to put you at ease. St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church is a place where you can experience inspiring music, hopeful teaching and preaching, friendly people, and a place where you can feel welcome and “at home”!  If it’s all completely new, no worries! Soak it all in.  If you have questions about the service afterward, don’t hesitate to ask. We really are glad to have you visit.

For those who are new to the Anglican style of worship, everything you need is in this bulletin.  Congregational responses are indicated in bold.  There are times when we stand, sit, or kneel.  You are free to join in the various postures and responses or you can remain in your seat and take it all in.  We are just glad that you are here.

Service Times

We have three different services to choose from: Saturdays at 5:30pm, and Sundays at 7:30am and 10:15amEach of our regular services offers the Lord's Supper, or Eucharist.

Our first opportunity is on Saturdays at 5:30pm.  This is our more casual service.  It is intended to be available for the end of a long day either playing or working around the house.  It is what we call a "Spoken" service, meaning there is no music.  Because of this, most people find our Saturday evening service more contemplative.

Our 7:30am service is more traditional.  It uses the Rite I liturgy.  For the unfamiliar, this liturgy that has the older "King James" language with all the "thees" and "thous."  Hymns are led by our organist.  At 10:15am is our Family Service.  It is our largest attended.  This uses the Rite II liturgy.  These are the same ancient prayers from the 16th Century but with updated language.  During most of the year, we have a full choir and you will occasionally hear guest instrumentalists.  Coffee and pastries and the occasional full meal is served after the 10:15 service.

Sunday School and Nursery

Beginning at 9am, we have  Sunday School programs for all ages.  Children will meet with their teachers in the Parish Hall before 9am and will be walked to their classrooms.  They will have a Bible lesson, craft, and other activities.  Their teachers will return them to the Parish Hall at 10am.  Adults including youth meet in the Parish Hall for that Adult Bible study.  Topics range from Scriptural overviews and book studies, to theological texts like Pilgrim's Progress and Screwtape Letters.  Sunday School is situated every Sunday Morning between our two services.  So come to early service and stay, or come early and stay through coffee hour after the 10:15 service!

Our Nursery is offered for both Sunday School and the 10:15 service.  The door opens at 9:00, and children will return to the sanctuary during announcements, before Communion.  At the same time, we call the 10:15 our Family Service because children are definitely welcome.   Children have the opportunity to sense and glean from the Sacred as they learn to sit through worship.  We as a congregation understand that a little squirreliness is just part of the joy of knowing that God is bringing up the next generation of worshippers.


Here are a few questions you might have about what to expect on your first in-person visit:

At St. Gabriel’s, we emphasize worshipping God in the beauty of music, preaching, and Eucharist, or the Lord’s Supper. The services are rooted in the worship of the Ancient Church and come from the Book of Common Prayer for the Episcopal Church. The fancy church word for this is “liturgy.” It is a list of readings, prayers, and responses that are used in almost every service.

For those who are not familiar with liturgy, a first visit can be somewhat intimidating. Don’t worry, we want you to feel as comfortable as possible. Everything you need for the service is in your bulletin. All the prayers, songs, and scripture readings are right there. You can follow along. If you feel like responding, your part is indicated. If not, no problem.

If you’ve never experienced a traditional liturgy, here’s what to expect at St. Gabriel’s: hymns, choruses, chanting, Scripture readings, written prayers, Biblical preaching, bowing, kneeling, crossing, and more. Everything has a special purpose. From the clothing of the sacred ministers to the songs we sing and the movements we make, all is marked by a keen sense of God’s holy presence.

If all that sounds out of your paradigm, just participate as best you can. And if you’re not sure you want to participate, that’s ok too. That is all about personal conviction. Just enjoy the beauty and reverence of the service.

Eucharist... also known as Communion or the Lord's Supper... is offered to any baptized believer in Christ, no matter your denomination. You will be dismissed from your row by the ushers and then come up to the Priest or Lay Eucharistic Minister.

We start with the Host, or the bread. Then we bring the chalice of wine. In the Episcopal Church, we all participate in a common cup. This is the way the church has received communion for hundreds of years. Because it is Port Wine, there is enough alcohol to kill any germs and the Ministers are trained to wipe the rim every time someone drinks. Still, there are a couple options if you don’t want to drink from the cup. You may hold on to your bread and ask one of the ministers to dip it in the wine. You may also choose to eat the bread and return to your seat.

If you are not baptized but would like to have the priest to pray over you, approach the priest with your arms crossing your chest. That will let us know that you prefer a prayer. It is our privilege to pray for you.

At St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church, we’re pretty casual. Men dress in slacks and a nice shirt, often short sleeve, especially in the summer. Some come in shorts. Ladies dress in the same or a dress. Wear whatever you feel comfortable in.

Each service is different. Because the Saturday service doesn’t have music, it lasts just under an hour. The two Sunday morning services last between an hour and ten to an hour and fifteen minutes.

We value children in worship.  They teach us how to love God. 

Our 10:15 service is deliberately designed as our Family Service.  You can expect to hear little voices throughout.  At least once a month, they youth participate in the service as Acolytes, Readers, Choir, you name it. 

Though we have nursery available, we encourage families with young children to attend the service and teach them the sacredness of meeting God together as a church family. 

Between the 7:30 and 10:15 services is our Sunday School hour. We have and adult Sunday School hour in the Parish Hall, and soon will have Children’s Sunday School at the same time. After the 10:15 service there is coffee hour. Refreshments including coffee and pastries are offered between and after services. Just ask anyone and we will help direct you and your kids where you need to be.

Please click the button below and let us know you visited! We would love the opportunity to say thank you and to answer any questions you may have about St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church.

If you think that God is leading you to be a part of St. Gabe’s, that’s wonderful! We welcome you into our family. Most of the church family life information goes out via email, newsletter, and the church’s Facebook page. In terms of giving, if you would like to fill out a pledge card, please ask an usher and we will give you one.

Stained Glass

Visitor Check-In

We are so glad that you joined us today. We would love the opportunity to acknowledge your visit and say thank you.

Please click the button below and tell us a little about yourself. Again, thank you!