Serving Opportunities in Worship

Ushering & Greeting
Every Sunday and at special services, our dedicated Ushers and Greeters are a welcoming presence. They stand on the front steps and in the narthex, ready to extend a warm and cheerful greeting to newcomers, visitors, and our regular attendees.
Their responsibilities include distributing bulletins and offering assistance to newcomers in finding a seat, ensuring that they feel comfortable during the service.
Throughout the service, they play an integral role in collecting offerings and guiding individuals to the altar rail for communion.
Following each service, our Ushers diligently prepare a count of service attendees and collect the offering which is then taken to the church office.

Throughout the ages, from the distant past to the present day, acolytes have been devoted individuals, including men, women, boys, and girls, who hold a deep love for the Lord Jesus Christ. Acolytes have a profound desire to serve Him at His hallowed altar.
Being chosen to partake in this sacred ministry to God and His people is indeed a great honor.
Requirements for this service include being a member of St. Gabriel's, a willingness to attend training sessions, and a commitment to fulfill scheduled duties.
Is God calling you? If so, please speak with our parish priest.

Every Sunday, during both of our services at St. Gabriel's Church, the sacred Word of God is recited by a Lector as the congregation follows along with printed versions provided in the bulletin.
Lay members take the honor of reading appointed lessons from the Old and New Testaments.
The recitation of the Psalm is typically led by a lay member, with exceptions during liturgical seasons when it becomes a responsive chant sung by both the choir and the congregation.
The reading of the Gospel, however, remains the exclusive duty of our clergy during the Rite I and Rite II Services of Holy Eucharist.

Worship Team & Choir
All year round, our dedicated Worship team and Choir harmonize to prepare our hearts for the Word and Sacrament, offering songs of praise and worship to our Lord. For special occasions, we're delighted to include additional musicians, enhancing the variety and participation in our Music Ministry.
This is a congregation that takes joy in raising their voices in song, whether it's from the choir loft or the pews.
If you share a passion for music and worship, we'd love for you to consider joining us.

Lay Eucharistic Minister
Our Lay Eucharistic Ministers are dedicated lay individuals, licensed by the Bishop of the Dioceses, to aid in the administration of the Eucharistic sacraments.
Lay Eucharistic Ministers are responsible for assisting the priest in distributing the communal cup of wine and wafers at the altar.
The Lay Eucharistic Minister's contribution is pivotal, as they provide valuable support to the priest, ensuring that the Eucharistic service proceeds with grace and efficiency.
Guilds at St. Gabriel's
What is a "Guild"? The term is Medieval, but its purpose is ancient. In history, groups of merchants or tradesmen would form guilds to enforce certain standards on their trade. It represented a group of specialists in a field. In the Episcopal Church, Guilds are groups of lay people who take on the responsibility of overseeing various aspects of the worship service. If you are a member of St. Gabriel's and are interested in participating in one of our guilds, please let the office know.

Altar Guild
The Altar Guild is a liturgical partner of the Priest and a vital part of the worship of the Church. Each week, the Altar Guild prepares the Altar for service. They set out the elements - the bread and the wine - for worship. They care for the objects used in worship and handle them carefully and respectfully, because these objects have been dedicated in prayer for use in worship for the glory of God.
Flower Guild
The ministry of the Flower Guild is to assist in beautifying the worship at St. Gabriel's by providing refined floral arrangements.
The Flower Guild is a group of dedicated and devoted volunteers who have the responsibility for the arranging and placement of flowers for regular worship and special services within the church. No special skills are necessary to be part of the Flower Guild. If you have a love for beauty, we can train you.

The Order of the Daughters of the King®
The Order of the Daughters of the King®* is a National and International Order that differs from other women’s organizations by the vows of Prayer, Service, and Evangelism we make to God, before our congregation, during a Service of Admission.
All prayer requests are confidential, shared only with each Daughter so that we may pray for the cares and concerns of others and ourselves. You will find us serving wherever God places us, but particularly for the needs of our Rector and Parish.