2024 Stewardship

2024 Stewardship Plan

Theme - "Giving out of Love"

The 2024 Stewardship theme is "Giving out of Love," and incorporates St. Gabriel’s Mission of
“Bearing the Redemptive Image of Christ to a Broken world”.


Throughout history, God has shown love and grace to his creation.  In response, his people have shown thanks through giving back to God from the fruit of his love.  This exchange of love happened during special events, offerings, and with many kinds of sacrificial giving.  Today, we have the opportunity to respond to the grace of the cross by offering Him back our time, talent, and treasure.

Stewardship Information

Resource References

Giving out of Love

On June 30th, 2024, Father Rob preached a sermon from 2 Corinthians 8:7-15 on giving from the place of love.  This has served as a launching point for the 2024 Stewardship Campaign.  If you haven't read it, we encourage you to do so. The text of that sermon can be found here.

2024 Mid-Year Report

On August 11, 2024, we met to discuss St. Gabriel's Church's mid-year finances and to hear about the strategic planning work taking place.  There are exciting things in store for St. Gabriel's Episcopal Church.  Click the link below to download this detailed report of everything that's going on.
2024 Mid-Year Report

Stewardship Curriculum

An exciting new video curriculum is being developed to provide a Biblical background for giving, how New Testament Scriptural Stewardship ideas come together to guide us, and how we are called to give out of love and worship to fulfill the Mission of the Church.  Once completed, that curriculum will be shared in the Adult Sunday School as well as various small groups and right here on the St. Gabriel's website.  We are excited to share with you the foundational love of God and how we have the opportunity to reflect God's love with our time, talent, and treasure.
Stay tuned!

Capital Campaign

There are several needs before our church that need to be provided for above and beyond our regular pledge and tithe giving.  Our first goal is to pay off the Diocesan loan needed to repair our church roof.  Beyond that, there are several capital projects we believe the Lord is calling us to commit to.  As part of a strategic mission that is preparing for our future, we need to plan for that building today.  Stay tuned for more exciting information on what we believe God is calling us to commit to as a congregation. 

Service Opportunities

St Gabriel’s provides an abundance of opportunities for Parishioners to serve the Lord through the mission of St. Gabriel’s.  Recently, several task teams have been developed to address specific areas of ministry the Lord is calling us to develop. These include communications, education, curb appeal, Growth and Outreach, and more! 
All parishioners are invited to consider giving their time and talent to support these teams and ultimately, St. Gabriel’s Mission and Vision.  Please contact the office or Fr. Rob if you would like to help!

2024 Stewardship Calendar

APRIL 23---Finalize 2024 Plan and present to Vestry for comment.  Incorporate comments as appropriate.

JUNE 1---Focus Group of invited Parishioners with pre-determined questions regarding their views on stewardship at St. Gabriel’s.  Coffee, juice, and rolls/ donuts will be served.

AUGUST 11-- Semi-annual Congregational Meeting.

The Stewardship Task Team will host a luncheon of chicken Caesar dinner salad, dessert, and drinks after the 10:15 Worship Service August 11.  During this time, a Treasury Report for the first 6 months of the year will be provided; an update on Strategic Planning will be presented; new initiatives in Youth Ministry will be discussed; and, the Stewardship Plan and Calendar for 2024 will be presented.  Each presentation will not exceed 5 minutes and handouts will be available.

Link to a PDF copy of the: St. Gabriel's 2024 Mid-Year Report


  • Place 2024 Stewardship Plan on St. Gabriel’s website.
  • Prepare 2024 Pledge Card to reflect stewardship of time, talent, and treasurer as love and worship.
  • Prepare a letter to be individually sent to all Parishioners by mail, e-mail or other available methods, including a generic letter on the internet regarding stewardship of time, talent, and treasurer as as love and worship using a theme of “Bearing the Redemptive Image of Christ to a broken World”. Letter signed by Rector, Senior Warden and Stewardship Chair.
  • Prepare a video less than one-hour presentation to be shown to all available St. Gabriel’s Groups at the Groups’ ordinary time as well as placed on the St. Gabriel’s web site. Presentation will include an introduction by Fr. Rob and a discussion of St. Gabriel’s Mission as well as a survey of stewardship in the New Testament by Heather Rowton.


  • Place Fr. Rob’s June 30 Sermon, “Giving out of Love” on the St. Gabriel’s website beginning at 31:00.
  • Mail the Stewardship Letter and Pledge card.
  • In each Sunday Bulletin through September and October prominently publish in the Bulletin a one sentence statement of “gratitude” connected to St. Gabriel’s without attribution.
  • Provide video presentation to as many St. Gabriel’s Groups as possible in September and October.
  • Place video presentation and transcription on St. Gabriel’s web site.

END OF 2024 CAMPAIGN---To Be Determined

MID-NOVEMBER---consult with the Rector and the Vestry regarding the propriety of having a Capital Campaign early in 2025 to provide for Capital Expenses, including payment in full of the Diocese loan.

DECEMBER 10 (Time to be determined) ---Tentative meeting to consider 2025 Capital Campaign.