Mission & Community Outreach

mission outreach event

Love Your Neighbor Just As You Love Yourself

Our unwavering commitment to loving our neighbor extends far beyond the walls of our sanctuary. We are dedicated to loving and serving the vibrant Titusville community that we are privileged to be a part of.

Our mission is clear: to offer our support and assistance in any way we can, with open hearts and helping hands.

We believe that love in action is the most profound expression of our faith, and we invite you to join us in this endeavor. Whether it's lending a hand to those in need, participating in community events, or engaging in outreach programs, we welcome your energy, your talents, and your willingness to make a difference.

Community Outreach Opportunities

No One Hungry

We understand that food insecurity is a significant issue that affects the lives of many in our community. Located at St. Gabriel's, the non-profit organization, No One Hungry collects food and donations in order to distribute to those in need in Titusville and abroad.

Join us in this vital mission in ensuring that no one in our community goes hungry. Together, we can alleviate hunger and create a stronger, more caring community where no one has to bear the burden of an empty stomach.

mission outreach event sorting water bottles
mission outreach Scouts Event

Scouts Troop

We hold a deep conviction that our children are the future, and it's our responsibility to nurture their growth and development. To fulfill this commitment, we are proud to offer a robust and dynamic scout troop that plays a crucial role in shaping the young minds and hearts of our community.

In our scout troop, they have the opportunity to embark on exciting adventures, develop a strong sense of responsibility, and foster a love for nature and community outreach.