Strategic Vision

A Long-range Vision for St. Gabriel’s

We envision a vibrant, program-size church with growing attendance, fostering deep connections through small group ministries.  It is a church that is multi-generational with vibrant programs for all ages from children and youth to both young and old adults.  And we wish to foster a diverse community united in worship, with services that inspire and welcome our expanding family of faith.


  • The Rector delegates and leads through empowerment
  • The Vestry focuses on strategic oversight
  • Task Teams and committees have some independent responsibilities


  • Many small group activities providing fellowship, education, Bible study, spiritual growth, health and well-ness
  • Many opportunities to bring gifts of service to St. Gabriel’s, the Diocese and the greater community of North Brevard


  • Raising as called new clergy
  • Welcoming clergy interns and other ministers
  • Representing on community service organizations and boards
  • Providing support, as needed, for first responders
  • Providing spiritual support for those in need


  • Historic Sanctuary well preserved and regularly used
  • Parish Hall is two stories; multiple rooms on 2nd floor
  • Church worship center capable of seating 300-350
  • Land & buildings are repurposed to advance Mission


  • 250-400 ASA as the Lord Provides


At the April 23, 2024 Vestry meeting, on invitation of Fr. Rob and the Sr. Warden, Brent Hippert proposed a long range strategic planning process for St. Gabriel’s Episcopal Church.  Having been part of an Anglican church plan that today is over 400 people, Brent and Jean Hippert have experience in seeing a church grow from a seed to a ministry impacting the world around them.  A Stewardship Plan and Calendar for 2024 was presented to the Vestry which included a Focus Group in late May. The Planning proposal and the Stewardship Plan and Calendar were accepted by the Vestry.

Saturday, June 8th, 2024 was selected to host a leadership retreat.  A cap on the number of attendees had to be determined in order to ensure the success of the meeting.  Attendees would include the Vestry and about a dozen other members of St. Gabriel’s who satisfied pre-determined criteria of being “stakeholders” in the future of the Church.  Criteria included length and engagement of service at St. Gabriel’s, as well as those who have previously made a financial commitment to the church.  These criteria essentially match the criteria for being members of the Vestry.

After interviewing potential facilitators, The Rev. Canon Ellis E. Brust of St. Andrews, Ft. Pierce, Florida (Permanent Canon of the Episcopal Diocese of Florida), was chosen to facilitate a Vestry Retreat. To prepare for the event, Fr. Rob, Carol Seidel and Jean and Brent Hippert met a number of times with Rev. Ellis.  It was determined that the Retreat would encompass three meetings, to which all Vestry members and additional attendees were invited.

Wednesday evening, June 5:  A screening of an interview with Bishop Justin Holcomb and the authors of The Great Dechurching (Jim Davis and Michael Graham). This was followed by a discussion of the interview and trends we see at St. Gabriel’s.

Friday evening, June 7:   A social hour with a presentation by Rev. Ellis on Church types, followed by a group discussion of the current characteristics of St. Gabriel’s.

Saturday, June 8:  The Strategic Planning Retreat ran from 8:30 to 3:00.

CLICK HERE for a summary of information gleaned from the Retreat.



On June 1st, the Stewardship Committee led a Focus Group asking both general and specific questions on the topic of giving.  The focus Group was phenomenally successful with robust participation. While the questions tended to be oriented toward stewardship, the responses tended toward more generic comments regarding St. Gabriel’s.  Some participants expressed unfamiliarity with St. Gabriel’s Mission statement, and little knowledge of a New Testament theology of stewardship.



The Strategic Planning Discernment Retreat and subsequent meetings have provided a means whereby God has given St. Gabriel’s a vision for our future as a worshipping community. As we work towards this vision we expect that adjustments and refinements will be required, but with something to aim for, we can define tasks and see progress, thereby putting ourselves in the best position for God to fulfill His mission in and through us to redeem His creation.