Our Mission...
Bearing the Redemptive Image of Christ to a Broken World
Every individual, regardless of their background, struggles, or past, deserves to experience the transformative power of Christ's love and redemption. The redemptive love of Christ is the only power that can mend the broken pieces of our lives and restore a sense of purpose, joy, and wholeness. In the spirit of Christ's redemptive love, we aim to create a welcoming community where individuals can find hope, support, and encouragement.
Starts with Creation...
Bearing the Redemptive Image of Christ to a Broken World begins with understanding that our mission starts with Creation. From the moment of creation, humanity has been commissioned to multiply, fill the earth, subdue it, and rule over it. The image is one of creating order out of disorder... placing boundaries on chaos.
Adam and Eve's disobedience to God brought brokenness and sin, and added chaos back into creation. Christ's death on the cross broke the slavery to sin and chaos for both humanity and creation. For a deeper understanding of what's going on behind our mission, watch this video of Fr. Rob's Theology of Mission recorded in August of 2024.

St Gabriel's Episcopal Church is...
Transforming Through Grace
Engaging the Sacred
Radiating Christ’s Love
Transforming Through Grace
Every human being is plagued with the propensity to mess things up. The Bible calls this sin. From the moment sin entered the world, all people are bound to its effects. Also from that first sin, God made a plan to redeem his people.
God sent his Son, Jesus Christ, to earth to become a man. As both God and man, Jesus lived the perfect life that we could not live. He died on a cross to pay the penalty we could not pay. And through faith in his promise to save, we are forgiven of our sin. Through faith, we are united to him with the promise that just as he was raised from the dead, so one day we will be raised to eternal life.
God does this, not because of anything we have done to earn his favor. He does this out of his great love for us. This is grace. His love begins to change us. God works in our hearts to become more like Christ each day as we are slowly transformed in His image.
We recognize that worship is characterized by what some call “thin spaces.” This is where heaven and earth are brought near through divine action. We worship a God who has done everything to come “near” to us in Christ. In worship, the Father’s Son is present with us in the Holy Spirit. He speaks through his Word. He meets us at the Table. In this way, the “space” between heaven and earth becomes thin in the presence of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Every service we recount the story of grace as demonstrated in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His story is told through Scripture, prayer, teaching, sometimes music, and above all a reverence for and acknowledgement of the truth that he is present. And we are reminded each time of the hope that is found in the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.
Engaging the Sacred
Engaging the Sacred
We recognize that worship is characterized by what some call “thin spaces.” This is where heaven and earth are brought near through divine action. We worship a God who has done everything to come “near” to us in Christ. In worship, the Father’s Son is present with us in the Holy Spirit. He speaks through his Word. He meets us at the Table. In this way, the “space” between heaven and earth becomes thin in the presence of our Savior Jesus Christ.
Every service we recount the story of grace as demonstrated in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. His story is told through Scripture, prayer, teaching, sometimes music, and above all a reverence for and acknowledgement of the truth that he is present. And we are reminded each time of the hope that is found in the death, burial, resurrection, and ascension of Christ.
Radiating Christ’s Love
Convinced of God’s love for us, we are enabled to love others. We certainly don’t do it perfectly. But for most of us, Christ’s love has manifested itself in powerful, undeniable ways. Because of that, we are able to love and accept others with joy and humility.